Join us at the Utah Browncoat Con on Saturday, Nov. 17th in support of the Sereni-Tree!
The Sereni-Tree Returns!
In 2015 the Utah Browncoats helped to sponsor a Firefly/Serenity themed tree at the annual Festival of Trees fundraiser for the Primary Children's Hospital. We are pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring an even bigger and better tree for the 2018 season! Although this is the event for the get-together for assembling and decorating the Sereni-Tree, we will be accepting donations and items for the tree throughout the fall season. If you would like to contribute or donate, please join in the discussion on our Facebook group here! You don't have to be in the area to do so, you can donate items via mail.
Please read below for the items you can donate:
Funds can be donated via Paypal using the button below, or at our booth at FanX Convention.
Tree Decorations - Firefly or Serenity or In-'Verse themed items only. Decorations for the tree MUST be able to be attached via wire. Decorations must not be flammable (such as straw or dried flowers). You can use commercially available decorations (such as from Hallmark or QmX) or they can be handmade. They cannot be glass and must not feature weapons of any kind, as per the rules of the Festival.
Tree Topper - Something light and amazing for the top of the tree to catch attention and make the future owner proud!
Tree Surrounds - extras - These could be any decor that sit on the floor near or around the tree and enhance the look and theme. Blue sun crates? The Train-Job themed toy train? Firefly Games? Let your imagination soar.