As of December 31, 2015, the Utah Browncoats have donated a total of
to various charities. $7,787 of that amount has gone directly to Equality Now as part of the Can't Stop The Serenity global events. Our second biggest donation total for 2015 is $1869 for Kids Need to Read.
Read more about our Good Works in - 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
Read more about our Good Works in - 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
The Utah Browncoats pulled together to donate a tree to the Festival of Trees to benefit Primary Children's Hospital. The Utah Browncoats Society purchased a tree in order to donate to this effort, in the amount of $127.
An intimate showing of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog at Kafenio Coffeehouse raised $55 in ticket sales, and we also collected about 40 pounds of non-perishable food donations. All proceeds from this event (food and cash) were donated to The Road Home, a local homeless shelter.
"Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" screened by permission from Time Science Blood Club, LLC. © Time Science Blood Club, LLC. All rights reserved.
The final event out of FOUR separate dates that the Utah Browncoats hosted for the CSTS 2015 season was the Virtual Shindig, hosted online by our own William Pace on October 30th. The Virtual Shindig welcomed Browncoats from Australia, Thailand, all over the USA, Canada, and England. During the Virtual Shindig, we held a raffle to raise money (of course) and William is happy to report that the Virtual CSTS raised $115!
Our third CSTS event of the ear was held at the beautiful historic Post Theater at Fort Douglas. A special pre-CSTS panel was held with ZŌIC Studios' Loni Peristere who was presenting information about the CGI for the Firefly television episodes and the Serenity movie. Along with our very generous Browncoats in attendance, we were able to raise $1480 for charity, with the donation being split 75-25% between Equality Now and Kids Need to Read. Thanks to everyone who supported this first-year event!
In celebration of the release of Con Man the Series, we held a Premiere screening party at Kafenio Coffeehouse. We thank them for their generous donation of the venue for our event! Although it was a short and sweet event, we were able to get a Facetime call from creators Alan Tudyk and PJ Haarsma, and we raised $600 for one of our favorite charities, Kids Need to Read!
Our annual screening of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog at Salt Lake Comic Con is a greatly anticipated event. This year we were able to produce printed tickets, along with our normal raffle, and the increase in ticket sales has allowed us to increase our donation total to a whopping $2,200! Thank you again to SLCC for donating the space and allowing us to put on the screening!
"Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" screened by permission from Time Science Blood Club, LLC. © Time Science Blood Club, LLC. All rights reserved.
Summer Car Wash & Cosplay Night - August 27, 2015
We are thrilled to be announcing that our August donation to Kids Need to Read is going to be a whopping $704.62! Some of this is from our third summer car wash in July ( $110), but the bulk of it is due entirely to the massive support from Bill and Neff at the Penalty Box for Cosplay Night on 08/14/2015! We thank them deeply for their generosity, and invite you to do the same!
Summer Car Wash & Blue Sun Summer Shindig - June 27, 2015
On Saturday, June 27th, we teamed up with the Weber County Libraries and the 2nd Juvenile Courts in Ogden to help put on a car wash fundraiser. While the car wash raised $34.75 to donate back to Kids Need to Read, the Utah Browncoats Society was able to donate an additional $50 with funds raised at our Shindig that night. The total donation of $84.75 to Kids Need to Read, in honor of Nathan Fillion was sent out today!
Can't Stop The Serenity - Salt Lake City, Utah - May 16, 2015
Our first CSTS event of the 10th Anniversary year was held at Brewvies on Saturday, May 16th, 2015. After all expenses, our total donation was $4.361.12. The donation was sent to Equality Now on June 10, 2015.

Dr. Horrible at Salt Lake Comic Con Fanx - January 31, 2015
The Doctor Horrible screening at Comic Con FanX was a smashing success, and the final total, including a few last minute donations, came to $1550. The donation was sent to Utah Domestic Violence Coalition on February 2, 2015. "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" screened by permission from Time Science Blood Club, LLC. © Time Science Blood Club, LLC. All rights reserved.