2015 Salt Lake City - Can't Stop The Serenity
Saturday, May 16, 2015
8 pm - 1 am
Join us for a great celebration! The 10th Anniversary
of Can't Stop the Serenity will be full of shiny Browncoat fun and
frolic. Dress in your best cosplay for our costume contest, brush up on your trivia, and don't forget to stop in early to look at all our great auction items! Watch Serenity in a classic cinema pub and have a great Saturday night out!
Tickets for 2015 CSTS Salt Lake City are now on sale! All proceeds will go to Equality Now, and ticket sales and donations will be handled through our shiny new nonprofit, the Utah Browncoats Society!
2015 Gold Sponsors:
Brewvies Cinema Pub
Author Leo Hopf
Utah Winter Faire
Awqua Events
Anarchy Girls Cosplay
The Penalty Box
2015 Silver Sponsors
Night Flight ComicsRyan Cumberledge
Donate to the CSTS Event
10th Anniversary Challenge Coins